Morale III (1975) for guitar, violin and zarb. 12'
Premiere: March, 1974, at Radio-France (Paris) by the trio Aleph. Unpublished.
Trio for piano, violon and horn (1989). 15'
Premiere : February 11, 1991, at the Grevin Museum (Paris) by Musique
Oblique ensemble. Unpublished.
Trio for guitars (1990). 10'
Premiere : October 28, 1990, during the International Musical Weeks
in Orleans, by Caroline Delume, Wim. Hoogewerf, Marie-Therese Ghirardi,
guitars. Unpublished.
Mosaïques (1991) for flutes, viola and guitar. 8'
Premiere: November 28, 1995. Festival "38e Rugissants" (Grenoble),
by Christine Vignoud, flutes, Denise Charnoux, viola, Thierry Benech,
guitar. Unpublished.
Marche lente (1992) for flutes, harp and percussion instruments.
Premiere: May 16, 1992, at the Pandit temple (Nimes) by the trio "Controverse".
Requiem(s) (2000) for violon, violoncelle and piano. 20'

Premiere : May 22, 2003, at the Theatre Sainte Marie d'en bas (Grenoble)
by the trio Athena. Unpublished.
Je me souviens(2007) 12', flute/piccolo, oboe, English horn, clarinet/bass clarinet.
Premiered on August 10, 2007 by Sandrine Poncet, flute, Samuel Retaillaud, oboe,
Gaelle Burgelin, clarinet, in Mézières en Brenne, France, during the second "Musique en Brenne" festival.
Je me souviens (2008), for oboe/horn,
clarinet/bass-clarinet, bassoon. Duration: 12 minutes. Unpublished.
Trielen (2008) 12' for oboe/english horn,
clarinet/bass-clarinet, basson (2008). Premiere may 16, 2009 at "l'église Saint Bernard de
Montparnasse", by Trio Trielen. Editions "Egge-Verlag".
du Psaume 142… for two clarinets and ondes Martenot (10 min), (2015), Premiered 30th january 2016 at l'église Saint-Ferdinand des Ternes, Paris 75017 by the musicians of the ensemble Traces d'aujourd'hui.
Rhein-Erinnerung (2021) for clarinet, viola and piano. Premiered Saturday 17th September 2022 at 8pm, Temple de Port-Royal, 18 bd Arago, Paris 75011. Clarinet: Valérie Guéroult, Viola: Nigel Keay, Piano: Isabelle Dutel.